Public Projects

Bids Due in 39 days
1/30/25 2:00pm
Union County, NC - FY22 Short Water Line Extension – Phase D
Bids Due in 39 days
LaBella Associates
Union County, NC
The Project consists of the installation of approximately 12,450 linear feet of 12-inch watermain, 18 water services, and all related appurtenances along Doctor Blair Road between Hasty Road and Gilboa Road.
Bids Due in 25 days
1/16/25 10:00am
Jefferson, NC - Ashe County Airport Apron and Taxilane Rehabilitation
Bids Due in 25 days
Jefferson, NC
Ashe County and the Ashe County Airport (Airport) are proceeding with the Apron and Taxilane Rehabilitation Project which consists of pavement improvements of existing apron near Taxiway B connector and northwest taxilane near Runway 10. The project also includes construction of new apron adjacent to the existing apron as well as rehabilitation of two existing concrete aprons near hangars on the south side of the airport. The overall scope of work for the project will include removal of existing pavement and marking, proposed asphalt paving, pavement milling, concrete pavement removal, aggregate base course, grading, drainage and erosion control, LED taxiway lighting and signage, electrical cable installation, pavement marking, and seeding and mulching.
Bids Due in 45 days
2/5/25 2:00pm
North Charleston, SC - RFQ - On-Call Arch and Eng Consultant Services for Federally Funded Projects
Bids Due in 45 days
Charleston County Aviation Authority
North Charleston, SC
The Charleston County Aviation Authority is seeking multiple highly qualified multi-disciplinary Architectural/Engineering (A/E) firms to submit Statements of Qualification to perform On-Call Architectural/Engineering Consultant Services for aviation projects eligible for federal reimbursement at the Charleston International Airport, Charleston Executive Airport, and Mount Pleasant Regional Airport in Charleston, SC.
Bids Due in 38 days
1/29/25 2:00pm
North Charleston, SC - RFQ - On-Call Arch & Eng Consultant Services for Local Funded Projects
Bids Due in 38 days
Charleston County Aviation Authority
North Charleston, SC
The Charleston County Aviation Authority is seeking multiple highly qualified multi-disciplinary Architectural/Engineering (A/E) firms to submit Statements of Qualification to perform On-Call Architectural/Engineering Consultant Services for local funded projects that support the Authority’s Capital Improvement Program projects and other various airport related and specialized projects at the Charleston International Airport, Charleston Executive Airport, and Mount Pleasant Regional Airport in Charleston, SC.
Bids Due in 39 days
1/30/25 2:00pm
Clinton, SC - Miller's Fork Basin Sewer Rehabilitation for the City of Clinton
Bids Due in 39 days
AECOM Technical Services, Inc
Clinton, SC
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary to construct Miller’s Fork Basin Sewer Rehabilitation
Bids Due in 40 days
1/31/25 11:00am
Kinston, NC - Airfield Electrical Rehabilitation
Bids Due in 40 days
Kinston, NC
Remove and Replace existing RW and TW lighting and signage, wind cone, and papi system. Updgrade vault, airfield lighting control, lighting protection, monitoring system and regulators.
Bids Due in 25 days
1/16/25 11:00am
Oak Island, NC - Crowell Street Dune Infiltration System (20200803.00.RA)
Bids Due in 25 days
WK Dickson & Co., Inc.
Oak Island, NC
The work will consist of installing 1,627 square feet of stormwater management underground infiltration system, stormwater pump station with electrical control panel, associated storm drainage system, ABC stone and concrete pavement replacement, and dune vegetation replacement within Town right-of-way and Town parcels located near Crowell Street Public Beach Access.
Bids Due in 18 days
1/9/25 2:00pm
Pottstown, PA - Crack Seal & Remark RW 8-26 (24023)
Bids Due in 18 days
Delta Airport Consultants
Pottstown, PA
The project involves crack repair and crack seal of Runway 8-26, include marking removal and remarking.
Bids Due in 24 days
1/15/25 2:00pm
Dillion, SC - Dillion Festival Market
Bids Due in 24 days
AECOM Technical Services, Inc
Dillion, SC
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary to construct Festival Market improvements
Bids Due in 16 days
1/7/25 1:30pm
North Charleston, SC - Pepperhill ES Bathroom Renovations
Bids Due in 16 days
North Charleston, SC
This Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to; Renovate all existing group restrooms at the school building to include all fixtures, finishes, and components. This will include light demolition, replace sanitary sewer line as per the design, ceramic tile installation, drywall finishing, painting, fixture installation, accessory installation, etc. directed by the design team and Cumming PM.